
Имуществените последици по чл. 125, ал. 3 от Търговския закон Имуществените последици по чл. 125, ал. 3 от Търговския закон

Compensation for damages

Message board for English speakers

Compensation for damages

Мнениеот stefan_t » 17 Фев 2021, 14:53

in relation to an illegal dismissal, can someone please tell me the correct article to request compensation for damages / reparation of damages?
And also discrimination and defamation (kleveta), please.
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Мнения: 6
Регистриран на: 17 Фев 2021, 14:46

Re: Compensation for damages

Мнениеот jhoro » 17 Фев 2021, 15:12

Which country are you asking about?
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Мнения: 2230
Регистриран на: 05 Окт 2006, 11:58

Re: Compensation for damages

Мнениеот stefan_t » 18 Фев 2021, 01:29

jhoro написа:Hello!
Which country are you asking about?

Thanks for replying. Bulgaria.
I know about article 344, but I want something else: an article that previews compensation for damages / reparation of damages (обезщетение за щети) as the dismissal included discrimation and defamation (I know these 2 fall under Civil / Criminal Law).
I don't seem to find it in the Kodeks Po Truda. Maybe under Civil Law?
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Мнения: 6
Регистриран на: 17 Фев 2021, 14:46

Re: Compensation for damages

Мнениеот jhoro » 18 Фев 2021, 18:14

I do not understand - why do you mix the terms "dismissal" (termination of employment) and "discrimination and defamation"?
The first is under the Labor Code, and the others - under civil law!
Even without "dismissal / termination of an employment contract“ - in case of "discrimination and/or defamation" you have the appropriate protection.
Всички публикации, свързани с този профил, са плод на вашата фантазия!
Интернет не съществува!
Активен потребител
Мнения: 2230
Регистриран на: 05 Окт 2006, 11:58

Re: Compensation for damages

Мнениеот stefan_t » 19 Фев 2021, 09:57

Is there a Civil Code in Bulgaria?
I don't seem to be able to find it here

only the Processual Code, which is something different.
Defamation I can indeed find in the Criminal Code.
The question is: in Bulgaria, can you use articles from the Criminal Code on a Civil Lawsuit (Grazhdansko)? I understand for you it's normal, and so the question may sound strange, but in my country we cannot do that, only the State is allowed to do so, meaning, you always need to go through a Prosecutor.
Thanks in advance.
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Мнения: 6
Регистриран на: 17 Фев 2021, 14:46

Re: Compensation for damages

Мнениеот dimist » 19 Фев 2021, 11:49

Bulgarian law has its own system, which is not influenced by anyone's ideas about law and justice. And let's remember the words - Bulgarian, know your family and language
Мнения: 751
Регистриран на: 26 Ное 2007, 14:58

Re: Compensation for damages

Мнениеот chrisbaker » 09 Юли 2021, 12:04

dimist написа:Bulgarian law has its own system, which is not influenced by anyone's ideas about law and justice. And let's remember the words - Bulgarian, know your family and language slope game

Thanks!! was looking for it too
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Мнения: 1
Регистриран на: 09 Юли 2021, 11:29

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